Niblack Elementary School (FSA) Testing
Lake City, Florida
Niblack Elementary School has been a part of Columbia County School District since 1954. The school was named in honor of Minnie Jones Niblack, a principal and county supervisor whose efforts were to build and improve local schools.
Board members of KRI have attended this historic school dating back to the early 1960’s. In an attempt to give back to the community that inspired our organization, we decided to take the initiative by visiting the school. This enabled us to determine the areas of assistance. We found that healthy snacks, a good night’s sleep and a balanced breakfast are all important factors in achieving better scores for The Florida Standard Assessments Testing. We were able to provide healthy snacks for over 100 students ranging from grades 3rd – 5th during their first week of testing.
These efforts were the launch of our “ Show Your Heart Initiative”. We would like to send a special thanks to Principal Nakitha Ivery and Ms. Latwala Dixon for coordinating with us to fulfill this mission. We look forward to the 2019 – 2020 school year.
Kingdom’s Restoration Inc.